Warsaw Ruby Users Group

Grudniowy WRUG o zaawansowych query i game developmencie w HTML5 posted on

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Spotykamy się w środę, 18.12, o 18:30, w HubHub Nowogrodzka Square przy Alejach Jerozolimskich 93.

🔊 [ENG] Andrzej Mazur: The past, present, and the future of HTML5 game development

We’ve come a long way from “is it technically possible to build a web game?” to “oh my, there are so many of them!”. What are the current trends in web game development from the perspectives of independent creators and big studios alike? Can hyper casual experiences mix with PWAs, WebXR, and WebAssembly? Join me in exploring the future of HTML5 game development!

🔊 [ENG] Alicja Kucharczyk: Confuse a cat - the Postgres way: The main concepts of advanced query processing and optimization in examples

When it comes to optimization of a query not only indexes come into play. Of course modifications to data access methods are very important and often offer huge performance gain but it’s definitely not a “silver bullet”. This talk focuses on some of the most important concepts of query processing including layers above data access methods, i.e. the flow and dependencies between subqueries, the methods of writing queries and its consequences and also some “hacks” for the optimizer will be shown.

Sponsorami naszych spotkań są: Chimera Prime, EL Passion, Ideamotive, Rebased, Shedul oraz Visuality. .

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